Immigration Problems

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Immigration problems are becoming more plentiful and more diverse. Americans have enough problems of our own, we need to eliminate as many as we can when possible, such as immigration. America represents freedom in many cultures but we need to ensure that our nation continues running smoothly. We should take action against immigrants that disrupt our everyday lives. Many immigrants get special treatment because if they are doing a job poorly, the employer cannot fire …

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…immigration process, and by imposing stricter guidelines on them, we can eliminate those who would not be an asset to us. America is a melting pot, and that is what it was founded upon, but we need to take stronger measures to protect our great nation and way of life. Works Cited "Florida Decision Right to Require Full-face ID." Dallas Morning News 13, June 2003. Ante, Spencer E. "Keeping Out the Wrong People." Business Week 4 Oct. 2004: 90-94.