Immigration Opposition

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
America is thought of as an enourmous pot where many races and nationalities were blended into one new nationality. This concept is known as the "melting pot." During Industrialization many "new" immigrants were on their way out of Southern and Eastern Europe due to over population and religous persecution. Factors that made immigrants leave their home countries were known as push factors. Pull factors, or factors that lure immigrants into a new country, were also …

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…indirectly benefited from immigration they tended to regard the new comers as competitors for their jobs. Immigrants also suffered oppotion in politics. The immigr5ants that could use and understand English were hated by political supporters because they feared that they would try to incoporate their beliefs into politics. Even after they became Americanized, immigrants still faced opposition in politics. With out the large supply of immigrants America's industrial expansion would not have taken place.