Immigration Levels in Canada

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Essay Database > History
Economic problems come with high levels of immigration. Canada accepts more immigrants, in proportion to its population, than any other nation. Welcoming new arrivals is complicated and expensive. In 1992-93, almost $900 million will be spent on processing applications, enforcement, language training programs, etc. Large cities where immigrants tend to settle face strains on social services, while smaller communities can't attract the skilled immigrants they need. In 1988, 161, 929 immigrants entered Canada, and an estimated 484 were infected with …

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…Mr. Patel (a successful scientist) is an immigrant from Zimbabwe. He believes that it's important to show that immigrants can and do succeed, and that they make contributions inside Canada as well as bringing world attention to our country. "No doubt there are handicaps for immigrants, but I guess there are handicaps all over the world," says Mr. Patel. "You just can't use them as an excuse." Overall immigrants can be useful in Canadian society.