Immigration, Hester Street

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
From the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean, our country is a nation of immigrants. We have heard this in many presidential speeches and are constantly reminded of such. Look about and you will see people, faces that were born in a different place or are descendant of people born elsewhere. From New York to California, our country illustrates, with every human encounter, a nation of diversity, blend, and economic expansion. The strength of character this …

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…what makes this country. One cannot place limitations of time or pages onto the history of immigration. Where would we be if immigrates did not work unimaginably long hours? Where would we be if immigrates did not trek a torturous journey? "In 100 years, we've come full cycle," says Robert Lang, an urban analyst with the Fannie Mae Foundation and a Census consultant for USA TODAY. "We're still growing, still evolving, still a magnet for immigrants."