Immigration: An Opinion Regarding Two Conflicting Viewpoints

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
Daniel James' "Close the Borders to All Newcomers" and Stephen Moore's "Give Us Your Best, Your Brightest" reflect two very different viewpoints on immigration. James perceives immigration as a strain on our society, economy and environment. In opposition, Moore views immigration as a benefit to the people of America. James fails to present a decent opposing argument in his work. Both authors use only the statistics that work in their favor, conveniently forgetting those that …

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…viewpoint in both his argument as well as his solution, he was unable to produce a successful argument. Though Moore did not make mention of the negative aspects of immigration, his solution demonstrates a clear grasp of what they are and how to avoid them. Further research may tackle the problem of how to create the kind of screening process that accurately predicts which immigrants will make "good" American citizens, and which will be "bad."