Immigration: An Issue of Controversy

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Immigration has made America what it is today. The Germans, came in post revolutionary times, then the Irish, and finally the Italians, Jews, and Chinese. Now there's another minority group that's been immigrating to America. Immigrants from Mexico and Central America have been crossing the border in record numbers since the 1960's, and the flow has yet to abate. As a result of such massive numbers of both legal and illegal immigrants, "[California's] budget deficit …

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…all of the people needing government aide. If America wants to continue to strengthen its economy, and send out a strong message, it must find a way to balance the flow of immigrants crossing the border each year and how much it can afford to spend to help them assimilate, otherwise, we should deport them back to the countries they immigrated from. Without a plan to assimilate these minority groups America will flounder, and sink.