"Immigration Act of 1924" Discusses racism in the government, how govt did not want anyone besides north-west europeans in the country. uses examples. good essay

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Essay Database > History > North American History
In 1924 Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1924. This act made it so that many immigrants weren't allowed into the country. The exclusion act accepted only two percent of the population of each nationality according to the census of 1890, instead of accepting three percent of the number of people of each nationality according to the census of 1910. At the turn of the twentieth century, people from different countries and nationalities began immigrating to the United States. …

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…enough to see that people are people, whether they look like what we see in the mirror or not. I believe that Americans shouldn't just love fellow Americans and their fellow race, but they should love the world as a whole. I would let as many people that could fit into my country. Maybe if some people thought like I do in the early 1900s, our country would be even more diverse and accepting today.