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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The simple dispute for immigration issues in Wausau became a complex dilemma after the major migration of the Hmong Asians. People of Wausau did not clearly understand the meaning of Immigration and all of its complexities. People first believed that the immigrants were decent and was under control. Later people were poisoned with the fact of Asian gangs affluent around their small town. This gave people assumptions. People of Wausau speak for their community. Some …

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…believe immigration to be harmful. This is simply not the case. As stated, legal immigrants provide a benefit not only to themselves, but also to native people. Though the problem of illegal immigration must be addressed, it should be done in such a way as not to discourage legal immigration. America was founded and populated by people from other countries. We must continue this if we expect to survive in the 21st century. Bibliography NONE