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Essay Database > History
<Tab/>A huge issue right now is immigration; legal or illegal. There are discussions on whether immigrants should be allowed into the country. Immigration is something that should be stopped, people should not cross the border illegally or overstay on visits. According to Negative Population Growth, Americans firmly believe in tough laws against illegal immigrants and that seventy percent of Americans want no more than 300,000 legal immigrants to enter the U.…

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…Cozic, Charles. Illegal Immigration: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven <Tab/>Press Inc., 1997 Mandel, Michael J. "The Immigrants: How They are Helping to Revitalize the U.S. <Tab/>Economy." Business Week 13 July 1992: 114-118. Rumbaut, Ruben. Origins and Destinies: Immigration to the United States. New York: <Tab/>Jones, 1994 Squyres, Suzanne, Immigration and Illegal Aliens - Burden or Blessing? Texas: Wylie, <Tab/>1997