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Essay Database > History > North American History
Immigration Political asylum is defined as, "protection given by one country to refugees from another" (Prentice Hall America, Pathways to the Present, p 1009). Political asylum is a phrase that was most often than not accompanied by dread, gloom and suffering. These situations associated with troubles and hardships. This was a person's freedom being taken away just because of where they lived. This was wrong. October 1968, Czechoslovakia was invaded by the Soviet Empire (Russians) and had …

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…here was that people didn't mind that I was foreign and poor, or that my English was bad. People helped me wherever I went. I am very grateful with what American provided and let me accomplish. Coming from a landlocked country and seeing the ocean and the gorgeous view every time I drive to work over the Jamestown and Newport Bridges, I think to my self "Not bad from a boy from Chotebor", my hometown.