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IMMIGRATION Immigration is described as the movement of people into another nation with the intention of living there permanently. However, emigration refers to the movement of people permanently leaving a nation. Many people have immigrated from their homelands and resettled in foreign countries far away. Today, economic migrations generally bring people from less developed, poorer countries to more developed and more prosperous countries like the United States. Most modern immigrants, like the colonists of the …

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…asylum from political or economic persecution! . However, most of them arrive in hopes of building a better life for themselves and their families. Lately there has been a significant amount of immigrants coming to the United States. Mostly have been from either Asia or Latin America. However, if they are not able to, most people enter this country illegally. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** The World Book Encyclopedia Volume I, 10, 1999 Edition Encyclopedia Americana Volume 15, 1998 Edition