Immigrants migrating to the united states.

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Essay Database > History
For many years many women and children have immigrated to the United States for freedom and new opportunities. When they finally got to the place they could only dream about they were often disappointed. During the 19th and 20th centuries many groups such as the KKK, Nativist, and the Labors were opposed to allowing immigrants in to the United States. They didn't want them in the U.S. for many unreasonable reasons. This all contributed …

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…the immigrants were beaten up and often killed. All of these contributed to the unfair and unjust experiences of immigrants in the United States. The KKK, Nativist, and the Labors didn't help the situation they just made it worst hurting the immigrants mentally and physically and soon causing immigration to slow down. Even though better laws help to protect immigrants it is still common for people to be discriminated by people of the United States.