Imaginative diary extracts from World War 1

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Essay Database > History
My own diary extracts darling, I can't take this anymore. I only know my little life and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. A diamond reveals its full worth when shining in the darkness, Inflaming sweet happiness. I only want to hear poetry as the sun sets but all I hear are bloodcurdling cries of the innocent Vietnam locals. When we meet again promise I will be loving and …

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…with a lot to learn and there hadn't been much time to get to know anyone or much about them... ...I've never felt so empty, hurting and numb with shock at the same time. There was no time to say or do anything to honour our fallen comrade. It didn't seem right. We all knew what had happened, but had to prepare to go on and each deal with the loss in our own way...