Imagination Essay. It describes how the use of imagination is used in the Gatsby, Sarty snopes,and Harry.

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Imagination Essay Imagination plays a major role in the character of Jay Gatsby, Sarty Snopes, and Harry. All three characters use imagination as a way to express their emotions and feelings. For Gatsby, imagination leads to his detriment and ultimately his death. The imagination of Sarty Snopes leads him to believe in a society of values and go against the views of his father. In a series of flashbacks Harry's mind has to deal with …

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…led to his death making it a wholly negative appearance. Sarty uses imagination to explain the issues of family and morality. He chooses a positive approach and does Major de Spain a good dead at the end of "Barn Burning". Harry uses imagination in a very strange way. He uses it to cope with his imminent death and it becomes a way for him to discuss his past and make good on what has happened.