Imaginary Numbers and The Microwave Oven

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Imaginary numbers have had a great effect whether direct or indirect on the microwave oven. Although the concept has come out of left field, there is still a plausible explanation for their influence on the microwave oven. The fact remains that complex numbers have much less direct relevance to real-world quantities than other numbers do. An imaginary number could not be used as a measurement of how much water is in a bottle, or how …

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…what was to revolutionize cooking, and form the basis of a multimillion dollar industry, the microwave oven. Dr. Spencer used the complex number system to quantify the electric and magnetic components in the electromagnetic field used in microwave ovens to heat foods. This great advancement made it easier to prepare foods for everyday consumption. Although its practical uses have been few and far between, imaginary numbers have made a lasting impression on our everyday lives.