Imagery in "Reflections in the Golden Eye" by Carson Mc Cullers.

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Imagery in "Reflections" "Imagery is a revelation, largely unconscious, given at a moment of heightened feeling, of the furniture of one's mind, the channels of one's thought, the qualities of things, the objects and incidents one observes and remembers, and perhaps most significant of all, those which one does not observe or remember." From "Shakespeare's Imagery" and what it tells us By Caroline F. E. Spurgeon (1961) I must confess that the first time I read …

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…into her own true self, without any facades or prejudices. We may or may not like what she writes, but it only takes us to read something about her life to realize that she is opening her heart to us. She writes about a paradigmatic conflict that she herself experienced. A conflict of romantic imaginative repressed characters, including the writer herself, who undergo tragic events due to the conformity and egocentricity of more selfish characters.