"Illumination upon the Heart of Darkness" a cinematographical analaysis of the lighting structure used in Francis Ford Coppola's 'Appocalypse Now.'

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
In 1979, Vittorio Storaro was awarded the Oscar in Cinematography for Francis Ford Coppola's epic Vietnam War movie Apocalypse Now. In this film, Col. Walter E. Kurtz (Marlon Brando) is a high-ranking Green Beret who gets a few wires crossed in his head and declares himself a God among a group of Cambodian tribesmen. Captain Willard (Martin Sheen) is then sent on a mission to assassinate him "with extreme prejudice." In the novel by Joseph Conrad, …

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…quoted, "The Heart of Darkness does not belong to the barbarian or to another culture, it is the traditional symbol of fear, hatred and evil." Works Cited: Apocalypse Now: Theatrical Release. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola, Paramount Pictures, 1979. 153 min Ebert, Roger. "Behind the Camera, Inside the Scene" InsideFilmIF May, 2002 URL: http://www.if.com.au/interviews/apocolypse-now-coppola.html Kaufman, Anthony. "Shooting the 'Apocalypse'; IndieWIRE August 6th, 2001 URL: http://www.indiewire.com/people/int_Storaro_Vittor_01080.html