Illegal Immigration: What do you think you know?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Accounting
This subject is not exactly the easiest "coffee talk" or dinner chat that one can have, but it is necessary to put it out there and make those unaware, aware. Not everyone in this wonderful country of ours has had the experience of seeing a hungry child selling trinkets in the streets with barely a torn Florida Marlins t-shirt on (from some charity who donated to the poor of a third-world country and thought they …

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…of America, I grew up in a developing third world country seeing the harshness of reality, and hearing of the great nation that came to the rescue of all those in need. However, I move back here in my time of need and I see all these negative sides to the "Give me your tired, your poor" and I wish I could make a difference. Don't get me wrong; this essay is just the beginning.