Illegal Immigration

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Illegal Immigration Immigration, legal or otherwise, is a huge issue right now. Debates rage about how many immigrants should be allowed into the country and how zealously we should guard out border from illegal intruders. To a point, these people are correct, illegal immigration is something that should be stopped. People should not cross the border illegally or overstay on visits. The important question is, however, does illegal immigration deserve the massive amount of attention …

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…the cheap and undiscriminating labor of illegal immigrants to do the 'dirty work,' and that illegals take jobs away from natives. Until more convincing data is available, the approach to illegal immigration should be sensible. Outlandish solutions like building a huge 2,000 mile- long fence and gathering a virtual army to defend the border from Mexicans are not the answer. Making legal immigration easier and more common is the best solution that we have now.