Illegal Immigrants My opinion on illegal immigrants and America's reaction to losing their jobs to them. Note that this essay is an opinion and favors the immigrants.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Let's face it: America has an illegal immigrant problem. I think we should be proud of that. People love our country so much that they want to come here to seek better lives. Of course, let's not flatter ourselves. Many people dislike America. The other day I was watching the news when I heard something about illegal immigrants. Supposedly, if my story is correct, WalMart is being sued for under-paying illegal immigrants at their stores. …

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…want the job. If these illegal immigrants were doing such a good job then WalMart should've paid them the full wage. Illegal immigrants do deserve to be here, but not illegally. Maybe if it were easier for them to obtain access legally, they wouldn't have to sneak in. If these Americans cannot compete and work hard enough to get a job over illegal immigrants, maybe it's these Americans that don't deserve to live in America.