Illegal Immagrants

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The first move stopping immigration decided by Congress, was a law in 1862, restricting American vessels to transport Chinese immigrants to the U.S. The Alien Contract Labor Laws of 1885, 1887, 1888, and 1891 restricted the immigration to the U.S. of people entering the country to work under contracts made before their arrival. Alien workers, under these laws, were allowed to enter the U.S. to work new jobs. By this time anti-immigrant felling rose with the flood …

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…Bontemps, Arna and Conroy, Jack. Anyplace But Here. Hill & Wang, 1966. Carney,Dan, " Social Policy " Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, 9/7/96, Vol. 54 Issue 36,p2531. Conover, Ted. A Journey Through the Secret World of America's Illegal Aliens. Vintage, 1987. Hutchinson, E. P. Legislative History of American Immigration Policy, 1798-1965. Pennsylvania, 1981. May, Charles Paul. The Uprooted. Westminster, 1976. Miller,Glenn F., Los Angles Times, 7/1/93, pA25. Sandoval, Moises, National Catholic Reporter, 6/28/96, Vol. 32 Issue 33, p20. Taylor, Monica. Workbook For Political science 5, Western Custom Publishing.