If you're looking for a colorblind American society, take off the rose colored glasses is about reverse discrimination in America and how it is commonly ignored.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
A recent article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer entitled "Let's Finish Eradicating Racism" discussed the racism towards African and Asian Americans and also the issue of reparations for slavery. Sure there are plenty of racist people in the United States, but are they all white people discriminating against black? The article also talked about having a "colorblind" society, which is a novel idea, but highly improbable. If America wants to be colorblind, then why is there …

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…could be erected. This way not only descendants of slaves could learn, benefit and receive acknowledgement of the suffering of their ancestors, but the entire country could learn and have a visible reminder that even a unique and successful country like America is prone to gross erring. So, if you're looking for a colorblind American society, take off the rose colored glasses and start the eradication from within and let your example help change others.