Ideologies of the reader is a main factor which results in the readers reading.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Texts can produce various readings due to many factors. Two texts that have recently been studied are, "Stolen Car" by Archie Wellar, "Manhood" by John Wain, and "Through the Tunnel" by Doris Lessing. All these texts presented the reading that boys feel the need to be men. The various factors that produced the reading included, values and beliefs (ideologies), characters, and point of view. Other possible reads produced from the text can occur; this is …

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…in the readers reading, yet because of ideologies being different, the reading can vary, this then may lead to various other reading and interpretations of the text. Other factors include characters used and language used, both factor can be interpretation in different was, but still result the way in which it can produce the reading of the text. It can been seen that there are various factors in texts that can produce a readers reading.