Identity is a very important facet in our world.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Identity is a very important facet in our world. Our identity tells us who we are, and determines how we live our lives. There are many texts that explore the aspects of identity, which create various identities in many different ways. Such texts that will be examined include "Homeland", "The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock", and "Looking for Alibrandi". Each of these different text types employs various techniques to create identity, ranging from film …

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…tone is portraying the long line of culture and tradition that the event upholds, as sepia photographs usually associated with the older generation. Sound is also employed to portray this aspect of Josie's identity, where traditional Italian music is playing in the background, then juxtaposed against Josie's modern music when she switches it with the Italian record. This emphasises the conflict within her cultural identity, between her Italian and traditional side, and modern Australian side.