Identity Theory

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Behaviourism Philosophical behaviourism, as it is sometimes described, is due to the philosopher Gilbert Ryle (1900-1976). Denies the dualist view that mental events are events in a private, inner realm. When properly analysed, things we say about beliefs and pains, f or example, are just observable behaviours. My anger with you is not some modification of a spiritual substance that somehow brings about aggressive behaviour [as the dualist would have us believe]; rather it is …

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…Armstrong, Reading brick, p. 9] The obvious objection: that there can be mental processes going on without there being any accompanying behaviour. Sophisticated Behaviourism Having a pain is not a matter of how you actually behave, it is rather a matter of how you are disposed to behave. What then is a 'disposition'? Consider fragility. Glass is fragile; it has the disposition to break when lightly struck. That is, it would break were it lightly struck.