Identify the different forms of European Union legislation and explain how they become part of English law

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The EU makes laws which must be respected by all member states. Since the aim behind the creation of new European laws is often to standardise laws between the different member states, it is inevitable that EU laws are passed which some member states do not like. Even if they do not like them, however, all member states have to obey EU laws. For member states of the EU, it is no longer the case …

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…to obeyed b a particular member state, individual person or organisation rather than by all member states or EU citizens. Decisions are issued under Article 249 of the Treaty of Rome and they are legally binding. Following Commission proposals, the Council, in consultation with the European Parliament, passes decisions in much the same way as it passes directives and regulations. Article 189 also allows for recommendations and opinions to be issued, but these have no binding force.