Idealization vs. Demonization

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Essay Database > History
The opposing views of idealization and demonization of the Native Americans by early nineteenth century writers intensified the two polar views of Native Americans in society. With his written idealization of the Native Americans , a loose group of people embraced the spirituality of the Indian as a relief from the over barring society. Because the Indian's political and societal structure was foreign to the same individuals, they assumed that the Indian did not possess these …

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…today. Evolution of the stereotype, the idealized Native American versus the demonized Native American, is apparent in their current lifestyles. For example, the Native Americans living on reservation preserving their culture as the idealized Native American versus the demonized Native American who deserted their culture and beliefs, and adapted to the European civilization that took over their lands. The two opposing variations of Native Americans possibly emerged from the two opposing viewpoints of their culture.