Iago and his Manipulations

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
IAGO Iago's character is pure evil, a cold-hearted villian capable of manipulating anyone to get what he wants. Iago's crimes define pathological jealousy and a sheer desire for revenge. Even though he is referred to as "Honest Iago", he lies, cheats,steals, and murders to gain a position he feels he justly deserves. He is best described as disturbing, ruthless, and amoral. His hate, lies and manipulations of Othello, Cassio, Roderigo, Desdemona and Emelia are …

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…watching the movie, my personal assumption is that Iago lusted after Desdemona. I felt he wanted Desdemona as his mistress. Once married to Othello, this showed Iago that she did not lust for him. With Othello being black, Iago thought of Othello as a lower class of people, who should have never married Desdemona, because she deserved better. With Desdemona swearing her love for only Othello, I think this only intensified Iago's hatred for Othello.