Iacocca Autobiography

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11/1/00 Book Report Iacocca an Autobiography Lee Iacocca grew up in Allentown Pennsylvania, very close to my hometown of Boyertown Pa. My geographic connection with Iacocca is one of the reasons I chose to read his autobiography. We are both very interested in automobiles and automotive history, which connected me even further with Iacocca . Iacocca believes that you can become and achieve anything in life as long as you have strong determination and motivation. I too …

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…under their own terms and doing something, which they love. I learned through reading this autobiography that life is full of twists and turns but it is up to us to make them a positive force rather than a negative one. This book will inspire anyone who as a strong desire to achieve their dreams in life and it might even light a fire inside you to go out and make those dreams a reality.