ISU Analysis - The Jade Peony

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One of the themes of the Jade Peony was the difficulty that the early Chinese immigrants had to face when they came to Canada in the late 1800s. Wong Suk is one of the early immigrants, believing there is a "gold mountain" that could make them rich. "There had also been rumours of gold in the rivers that poured down those mountain cliffs, gold that could make a man and his family wealthy overnight." (pg 17). …

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…as his birthday present, he felt proud of it. At that time Chinese people were unable to afford new jackets. "The second-hand coat from Old Yuen, falling on my twelve-year-old shoulders, felt like armour"(Choy Pg. 93). Children over six, like Kiam and Jung, had to help out the family, either on finance or housework; otherwise, they will be considered mo yung-useless. For many children residing in Vancouver's poverty-stricken China Town, childhood meant nothing but work.