INDIAN MORAL PHILOSOPHY: How should Arjuna solve his moral dilemma?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
In this essay we will look at the criteria Arjuna should base his decision on when considering how to solve his moral dilemma. Once we have established these we will use part of the philosophy indicated in the 'Gita' and examine the flaws in Arjuna's reasons for not wanting to fight in battle in order to resolve what action he must take. WE must first ascertain exactly what Arjuna's moral dilemma actually was. Arjuna is …

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…do his duty and fight. Arjuna is wrong to look at his dilemma in a consequential view. How can he know which set of consequences is better than the other? Will it really work out better to not fight than fight? And is it really up to Arjuna to make that decision. It is better to just think of one man's personal duty and not cast doubt on the morality of the whole process. 1868 words