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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION The Issues They slip into the San Diego rail yard furtively, preferably beneath the protective cover of darkness, jumping fences, eluding guards and dodging 200-ton locomotives in a perilous dash for the most elusive of prizes, a free ride to the north. "To be truthful, I have no idea of precisely where this train goes, other than it takes us to el norte," says Jose Flores Osuna, an illegal Mexican migrant seeking work …

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…certain U.S. communities--Berkeley, Los Angeles, Chicago and others-- began offering asylum to Central American refugees. By 1985, the sanctuary movement had spread to more than 200 parishes of virtually all denominations. Several leaders of that movement were put on trial in 1985 and accused of being "part of an alien smuggling conspiracy." Four years later, the sanctuary movement was vindicated when the U.S. government (in settling a lawsuit filed by a coalition of religious and refugee