IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT I'M SAYING, DON'T LISTEN - on right vs. freedom.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
The difference between a freedom and a right is that the former is considered to be so important that a law cannot restrict it; the latter is something that the law permits or allows. That being said, what are some of our right and freedoms? A right might be the right to wear the clothes you want or to smoke cigarettes. Some freedoms are our freedom to live, eat, religion, assembly and the freedom to …

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…agreed upon, in fear of offending someone, and not speaking until the issue was found, nobody would be talking anywhere, ever. We live in a democratic society and we are therefore free to do certain things, eat when we want, live where we want and most importantly say what we want even if nobody agrees. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jacobs, Lesley (1997). "An Introduction to Modern Political Philosophy", The Democratic Version of Politics, Marianne Hutchinson New Jersey. Prentice Hall