IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Historically, disabled children were segregated from regular education students in the public schools. They did not have the opportunity to interact with their non-disabled peers. They were often placed in separate settings with all children who also had disabilities. The treatment and discrimination of disabled children and their parents were the main purposes for the formation of IDEA, which was created to protect their civil liberties. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was enacted in 1975. …

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…potential. Parents of disabled children showed resilience by fighting school systems and getting the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act passed by working with their local governments. The Federal Government also showed resilience by supporting the parents and enacting IDEA in 1975. Disabled children now have a greater opportunity to be better educated in their neighborhood schools. This gives them the chance to go to school with other children who are not disabled, thus normalizing their lives.