IB World Literature 1 Essay: Compare/Contrast between the Relationships of Cacambo/ Candide and Estragon/Vladimir

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
Voltaire's Candide and John Beckett's Waiting For Godot relate with respect to the relationships between Candide and Cacambo and between Vladimir and Estragon. The characteristics of these two relationships possess similarities as well as differences. Both pairs' friendships and experiences as well as their philosophies share parallels and distinctions. Both relationships are not based primarily in friendship, but rather in differing aspects such as dependence, servitude, and hope. Candide and Cacambo's friendship endures until their …

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…pairs' experiences differ a lot, these experiences are what shape their final conditions; both pairs transform in character due to the different things they experience. Candide and Cacambo as well as Vladimir and Estragon have strained friendships, but friendships nonetheless. Their levels of friendship differ with Cacambo and Candide's being the stronger friendship of the two. Both pairs' experiences differ, yet are what establish both pairs' end state of mind, including philosophy, friendship, and character.