I will discuss how Janice Galloway uses conflict to explore the important theme of fear in the short story fearless.

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The story is told from the perspective of the adult narrator looking back on a key incident from her early childhood in which she and her neighbourhood were threatened by the unpredictable aggression of the local "bogeyman" ironically named Fearless. The first level of conflict in "Fearless" is between the public and Fearless. This arises out of Fearless's lack of respect for the "norm" of society. He is extremely rude and aggressive "...he lived in …

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…this shows how seriously people take these unwritten rules. In Fearless the conflict between Fearless and society and the conflict between Fearless and the little girl are central to the story. Galloway then uses this conflict skilfully to explore the underlying theme of threats against the vulnerable from aggressive or drunk men by using appropriate methods and features. While not initially enjoying this piece I did find it commendable after studying it in greater depth.