I had to do some observations for a class and here they are so if any pe majors need observations here they are

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Today I am observing some physical education classes at Ouachita Parish High School. The second class consists of 14 males, all ranging in grade level from 9th to 12th grade. The classes today are playing softball, outside, in the heat. First they do roll call in the dressing room. After roll call they head outside to an open area behind the school. There are bases set up and softball equipment scattered everywhere. They stretch for a …

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…the pitcher who throws to first. The first baseman misses the throw and the batter advances to second. Three more runs will be scored before the coach says time is up. The losing team starts blaming each other and making excuses for their ugly play. Two boys get into a shoving match when one disgraces the other's mother. The coach quickly breaks this up. The boys get dressed and await the ringing of the bell.