I Forgive You.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
As I watched Orpheus' prone figure in the distance, a thought kept processing in my mind. Why wasn't he with his friends? I hesitated going up to him because of that fight we had a few days ago but he looked so sad and forlorn, I decided to do so anyways. Well, nothing could've prepared me for the revelation that revealed itself to me. Earlier today... "Mom, I'm leaving!" I all but shouted while struggling …

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…'s time to go," Came the familiar voice of Sarah. "I'm right aren't I?" She nodded, her platinum blond hair dancing in the breeze. How odd. I never ever thought...Sighing, I broke off all nostalgic thoughts. I knew I had a schedule to keep. I did the only thing I could. I blew him a kiss with all the gathered love I had for him. "I forgive you." Smiling happily, I left with Sarah.