Hypothesis Testing and Analysis Case Study

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Hypothesis Testing and Analysis The Hypothetical Coalition for Ridgecrest Youth (HCRY) is a private, non-profit organization designed to support and develop agencies, organizations and volunteer groups in youth development through education and training. In order to support the efforts of the HCRY, the organization conducts fundraisers at different times of the year in Ridgecrest, California. The HCRY directors have decided to add an additional fundraiser to their schedule for 2005. In the past, late summer water …

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…e study. The study used a simple F distribution test rather than a more appropriate multiple regression. In its current form, the study would serve only as a basis for further investigation and would be best utilized as a point of reference. References Garden, G. K. (2004). Canadian Building Digest 83. Retrieved March 1, 2004 from http://irc.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/cbd/cbd083e.html Utah Climate Center. (2004). UCC/USU Climate Data Server. Retrieved February 24, 2004 from