Hypocrisy as Seen Through Mark Twain's Eyes

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Hypocrisy as Seen Through Mark Twain's Eyes Mark Twain was an American writer whose best work is characterized by humor and satire, but is also known for it's realism of place and language, fascinating characters, and strong hatred of hypocrisy. He was a brilliant essayist who often wrote as outraged by the social, moral, and religious corruption he saw around him. This outrage was reflected in his many essays, novels, and short stories. His straightforward, …

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…found in the interaction of humans is displayed throughout Twain's writings in every situation the characters come across. Twain wished to show his attitudes about society and the behavior of people and, using tone, did this by creating examples of the best and worst of humanity embedded in the actions and words of his characters. He has let us see the flame of his honest anger burning against the shams and cheating in everyday life.