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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Hypochondriasis is a mental illness wherein an individual is preoccupied with the fear of having or the idea of having a serious disease. It involves the misunderstanding of bodily symptoms. The sensations of most hypochondriacs are intense and disturbing, leading to incorrectly connecting the symptoms to a serious disease. It said that hypochondria is caused by a patients excessive worrying with having or developing a disease. Often these patients seek medical attention, but a doctor's …

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…M Schmidt, Sabine Kroeze, and Marcel A van den Hout. "Hypochondriasis and Symptom Reporting - The Effect of Attention Versus Distraction." Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 65 (1996): 43-48. Lautenbacher, Stefan, Paul Pauli, Michael Zaudig, and Nils Birbaumer. "Attentional Control of Pain Perception: The Role of Hypochondriasis." Journal of Psychosomatic Research 44.2 (1998): 251-59. Warwick, Hillary M.C., David Clark M., Andrew Cobb M., and Paul Salkovskis M. "A Controlled Trail of Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment of Hypochondriasis." British Journal of Psychiatry 169 (1996): 189-95.