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Essay Database > Science & Technology
There are many alternative methods of health care available today. People that are disappointed with medical or surgical health care are turning to alternative methods to help themselves. Some alternative methods are positive through, acupuncture, therapeutic touch and hydrotherapy. These methods are used for several different reasons such as to reat chronic pain, reduce anxiety and stimulate healing. Hydrotherapy is an external application of water to the human body for therapeutic purposes. Hot water helps …

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…jobs or volunteer jobs at clinics, is a good idea. In conclusion, there are several types of alternative methods of health care available for use. One of them is Hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy is good for muscle relaxation, reducing pain, and improving circulation. Also, it increases muscle tone, reduces swelling after injury and reduces muscular pain. In addition, alternative methods of health care are becoming more and more popular, and job outlook for this career is excellent.