Humour in "The Visit" by Henrik Ibsen

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The majority of the humour in The Visit is based on black humour. Black humour is more of an obscure form of humour. Black humour is basically writing that places grotesque elements side by side with funny ones in an attempt to shock the reader forcing him or her to laugh at the horrifying reality of a disordered world. <Tab/> <Tab/>The first bit of comedy in …

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…closely by Boby. Another beautiful example of black humour, it's completely unexpected and innapropriate. This shocks the reader but at the same time we realize that this is life for these people. <Tab/>Something that most people wouldn't even think of is the name of the town, Guellen. Apparently, Guellen means 'puddle of garbage'. This isn't something that jumps out at you, but it's kind of funny when you find out.