Humans and Replicants Alike

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Essay Database > Literature > English
'Humans and replicants are more alike than they are different'. Discuss. Replicants are an artificial life form, created to be stronger, harder working, more intelligent and to have super-natural or paranormal strengths and abilities. However, in many cases, humans and replicants are more alike than they are different. They possess enhanced physical skills, bizarre capabilities to endure surroundings that no human could come close to, for example extreme temperatures, and eerie reflective eyes. Nevertheless, although …

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…and people, is not a likely action for artificial machines. The replicants, although created and modified by humans, display throughout the film an ongoing portrayal of emotion and human traits. Unlike a constructed apparatus, they live, breathe, feel, fear and love. Whether they are made to be fitter and stronger than humans physically is not important to being a person. It is soul and emotion that makes an individual; and the replicants hold these qualities.