Humans And Fauna In Australia

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In 1830 Mr. Rankin tied a rope around a projection out of a rock face in order to lower himself into Wellington Cave (Horton, 1980). The projection turned out to be the bone of a giant extinct marsupial. It was to be the first discovery of a great range of giant marsupials. Were these animals extinct?? Horton (1980), describes how Leichhart believed that on his journeys to northern Australia he would find Diprotodon still roaming over the land. …

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…Studio Pty Ltd. Victoria. Tindale, N.B., 1955, 'Archaeological site at Lake Menindee, New South Wales'. Records of the S.A. Museum, vol. 11, pp. 269-98. Vanderwal, R., Fullagar, R.,1989. Engraved Diprotodon tooth from the Spring Creek locality, Victoria. Archaeol. Oceania. vol. 24, pp. 13-16. Woodford, J. 21st September 1996. 'Art find rewrites history'. The Age. Wright, R. 1986, 'New light on the extinction of the Australian megafauna'. Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales, vol. 109, 1986, pp. 1-9.