Human cloning should be banned (Affirmative) - Argumentative speech

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
It is the year 2010. As you pick up your daily issue of The Age, you begin to read some of the articles on the front page. Interesting articles include, "Cure to Cancer Found Due to Cloned Stem-cells" and "Former President George Bush's Cloned Heart Transplant a Success." Everyone thinks, all these good things are coming from cloning, I can't believe we didn't try this sooner. However, 10-15 years down the track those headlines begin to …

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…to the class? Could anyone honestly say that they would feel completely indifferent about the fact that they're cloned and not think of them as anything less than human? It is to be expected that humans, with the inquisitive nature we have, to strive to know and discover more. However, the cloning of human beings is a discovery that could ultimately lead to the destruction of the human race. Are we willing to risk that?