Human Rights within Australian Law

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Universally, human rights are fundamental privileges to which all people have claim. As they are automatic entitlements to each individual who is simply a member of humankind, governments cannot 'grant' or 'withdraw' human rights from anyone. Human rights are reflections of the values of society, with the focal purpose of human rights laws being to set the public standards of what is and what is not acceptable treatment towards individuals, as perceived by society on …

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…for heterosexual couples (with no references to lesbians), but 21 being the legal age of consent for sex for homosexual men. This highlights the need for national consistency, as all Australian states within their own jurisdictions have established fundamental gay human rights by decriminalising it, and as a nation it is imperative that Australia respects its international obligations by adopting a progressive and uniform stance enshrined in the law towards it proactive and burgeoning gay community.