Human Rights Theories

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Pages: 14
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Essay Database > Literature > English
International Human Rights as a concept, furthermore, as a good concept is not an agenda any sane person could dispute. Why then, are we inundated with human rights violations on a daily basis? What is the problem here? This is the question that plagues human rights discussion, and this is the question that many have addressed. Obviously, as I stated, the concept is sound, and most states agree in the form of signing UN declarations …

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…means such as cross-cultural dialogues. Perhaps when states are able to approach human rights from a perspective that is their own and not imposed upon them, compliance and human rights practice may become less of an issue. I propose a human rights regime where the rhetoric is not universal in nature, but sensitive to all cultures. Making the human rights agenda more applicable to different cultures may generate more receptive states, and thus, more compliance.