Human Resource Policy Merger Plan. Paper attempts to specify the plan for merging two very distinct companies HR policies.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Introduction Meeting the increasing needs of customers is a continual challenge in today's business environment. As companies try to increase their market share by providing more services, the methods in which they try to provide them can often undergo significant changes in the organizational structure, from adding new departments within the company, to acquiring other companies to provide those additional products and services. In this assignment, we'll discuss how a simulated merger of two shoe …

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…growth goals in a global marketplace. Mentoring and diversity training programs will be instituted to help employees share knowledge and understand the advantages of bringing together different cultures and backgrounds. Rewards and recognition programs will be established to drive and reinforce the desired behaviors needed for the merger to excel. Successfully integrating the two unique cultures, and paying attention and addressing the diverse needs of the combined group will ensure its success in the future.