Human Progress Between 1871 and 1914

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Essay Database > History
Ever since man abandoned the hunter-gatherer life and began to settle on the land, he has been constantly advancing and developing. Despite a brief lull during the Middle Ages, mankind has been steadily progressing in every aspect of human nature. From technological invention and social development, to science, philosophy and economics, mankind has been relentlessly and endlessly progressing. With few exceptions, humanity has not encountered such a rapid and enormous social, technological and general overhaul …

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…years saw the consolidation of capitalism in the West, with the creation of the Corporation and the culture of consumption, which would eventually engulf the world. Furthermore, the technology and wealth the West attainted throughout those years created a clear Western hegemony over the world, to which an extent still exists. The years 1871-1914 were indisputably years of progress and were instrumental in creating the basis of modern western society, as we know it today.